Sunday Celebrations
11:00 a.m.
Creative Life Spiritual Center
Campus Address:
5326 Spring Stuebner Rd. Ste. 200
Spring, Texas 77389
[ MAP ]
Mailing Address:
7 Switchbud Pl., PMB 232
The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: 281.350.5157 |
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Subscriptions For Lectures On CD Now Available online in our Bookstore »

Recently The Golden Key got brought up. It's a pamphlet by the legendary New Thought teacher Emmet Fox. Along with more of his other short writings, it's enfolded into his book, Power Through Constructive Thinking (1932). So, this month's Sunday talk series will pull some power-packed ideas from his mind and heart, for our daily use and the world's ongoing benefit. The month will also feature Creative Life practitioner Jim Canter speaking on one Sunday. Come join us in the Great Hall actually or virtually at 11am CT. The service streams on Facebook Live, and is available soon after, abbreviated, on the Creative Life YouTube channel.
Support Creative Life Spiritual Center
Creative Life is a spiritual community in suburban Houston, Texas, teaching and living the Science of Mind, a transformational path first articulated by the American philosopher Ernest Shurtleff Holmes (1887-1960). learn more »
VISITORS WELCOME: We have activities for all people and interests, and welcome everyone, especially those for whom traditional Western religion has seemingly had no place. learn more »
What makes Creative Life the fun, exciting, uplifting, stimulating, evocative and inviting place it is? Why it's our people of course! No matter what your path or interests, you'll never find a more accepting and supportive group of fellow God-lings! Learn more about our Spiritual Practice »
We gather Sunday at 11am in the Great Hall to renew friendships and enjoy exciting celebrations and encouragements by minister Dr. Jesse Jennings, the music of Geoffry Oshman and guests, and the spiritual support of our practitioners.
Festivities and Gatherings feature CLC's musical talent. Music Director Geoffry Oshman often arranges for professional artists to visit The Center for Sunday Celebrations and special events. learn more »
The public is enthusiastically invited to these events...
Lecture CD Subscriptions
Now available for purchase online in our bookstore
Every Day, 9:00am CT
Rev. Lisa Ryan reads from
Courage, Conviction and Consciousness
on Facebook Live (free)
Every Day, 5:00pm CT
Rev. David Dewhurst reads the "Daily Guide"
from Science of Mind magazine on Facebook Live (free)
Sundays, 11:00am CT
Celebration services, also on Facebook Live, later on Youtube (appreciative giving)
Sundays, Noon CT
Prayer by phone (audio only)
Call (605) 468-8016 and enter code 572290# (free)
Sunday, Oct. 1, 12:30pm CT
Monthly Social Hour in person (free)
Sunday, Oct. 22, 1:30-3:30pm CT
Luck and the Law workshop with David LeMaster, RScP,
in person and also via Zoom ($30)
Sunday, Oct. 29, 12:30pm CT
Samhain circle (free)
Mondays, 6:00pm CT
Return to the Sacred Book, book study/discussion
with John Rennie, RSCP, via Zoom (appreciative giving)
Tuesdays, 7:00pm CT
The Four Agreements, book study/discussion
with David LeMaster, RScP, via Zoom (appreciative giving)
Wednesdays, 6:00pm CT
Creative Mind and Success book study/discussion with
Shirley Sandlin, RScP and Monty Wilson, RScP. (appreciative giving)
Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm CT, starting Oct. 19
The Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions with Marissa Mijal, RScP, Monty Wilson, RScP, and Rev. David Dewhurst (6 weeks, $130)
Fridays, 7:30pm CT
Philosophy Fridays open discussion with David LeMaster, RScP. and Katie Rocks-Brigati, RScP. via Zoom (free)
Saturday, Oct 14, 9:00am CT
Gardening Work Day
Saturday, Nov 11, 7:00pm CT
10x the Love musical cast show (free admission, potluck supper at 6pm)